Steven A. Roman’s “Destinies” Interview Now Available

SRoman_PhotoAs you’re probably well aware by now (especially if you look at the previous post on this blog), I made an appearance on the late-night radio show Destinies: The Voice of Science Fiction, on Friday, October 2. Normally a half-hour show, it turned into a ninety-minute extravaganza thanks to WUSB’s overnight deejay taking the night off, which allowed host Howard Margolin and I to chat in length about the origins of Pandora Zwieback and her monster-hunting mentor, Annie; my years as a fiction editor and editor-in-chief for publishing house ibooks, inc.; my recurring feature “Tales of Development Hell” at the StarWarp Concepts blog, detailing licensed writing projects of mine that never made it to completion; and a few other topics. I had a great time doing the show.

However, I know that not everyone out there could stay up late enough to hear the live broadcast—one of the first things a friend of mine asked when I told him I was going to be on was, “Will there be someplace for those of us who like to go to bed at that hour to be able to listen to it later?” Well, of course!

Just click this link, which will take you directly to Friday night’s episode. Like I said, it runs an hour and a half, so grab a favorite beverage and get comfortable while I spin tales of my adventures in publishing!