13 Days of Pan-demonium: Subtlety? Not Really Her Strong Suit

The Pan-demonium reaches its penultimate moment as we continue celebrating the publication of my novel BLOOD FEUD: THE SAGA OF PANDORA ZWIEBACK, Book 1, on sale right now from StarWarp Concepts and all fine online bookstores.

Say hello to…ME!

That’s right, on rare occasions I actually will pick up a pencil and draw something, although not as often as I used to. (Hey, somebody’s gotta write these Pan novels!) Back in the day, I did my share of convention sketches, usually involving superheroines and cartoon characters—or a combination of both. Once I even crossed Ariel, the Little Mermaid, with Catwoman and created…CATFISH-WOMAN!

These days, however, I tend to focus on my writing and let the professionals do the art. In fact, the only reason I did this particular Pan drawing was because I realized I was one artist short for the 13 Days promotion. Still, it was fun to try my hand at drawing Pan and Annie; maybe I do it again one day!

In the meantime—look! I have my own DeviantArt page, where I post some of my drawings, along with sample pieces by other artists that tie into my various projects. So, feel free to take a look at the gallery I set up—after you buy Blood Feud, that is!

Tomorrow, the “13 Days of Pan-demonium” reach their senses-shattering conclusion! Be there, effendi! Excelsior!

(Hey, who let Stan Lee in here…?)